
Successions are the legal process for the distribution of a person’s property after death. The process can be simple and non-controversial (especially when the deceased has prepared a proper Estate Plan) or complicated and disputed.  The value of the deceased’s property, the type of property, the debts of the decedent, and several other factors will determine the exact procedures used.

I use my decades of experience in litigation combined with my commitment to providing clients with the personal and practical advice I would want myself to help clients with a variety of succession needs. Whether you need help with a simple succession or advice and representation in a complex inheritance dispute, I will provide the sound advice and representation you need.

Don’t wait.  The longer it takes to complete a Succession, the more complicated and expensive it can get.  Often, estates that could have been pretty simple get bogged down in litigation because of the issues and heirs that got into the mix long after the deceased died.

The Downside to Spousal Usufruct in Louisiana Estate Planning and Succession Law

Louisiana is different, we have a unique history, geography, and culture. This means our food, music, lifestyles, and even our laws are different. Estate planning in Louisiana involves unique considerations due to the state’s distinct legal framework (heavily influenced by Napoleonic Code principles). One aspect that requires careful consideration is spousal usufruct, which applies to …

The Downside to Spousal Usufruct in Louisiana Estate Planning and Succession Law Read More »

Steps to Take After the Loss of a Loved One: Guidance from a Succession Lawyer

The passing of a loved one is an emotionally challenging time, and dealing with the legal and financial aspects of their estate can add an additional layer of stress. To help you navigate this difficult process, here are some important steps to take after the loss of a loved one, with the guidance of a …

Steps to Take After the Loss of a Loved One: Guidance from a Succession Lawyer Read More »